
Kenneth Preston was born and raised on Long Island. He studied English at the State University of New York at Stony Brook where he received his Bachelor’s degree. From literature to television to film, the myriad of tales that painted his cultural landscape inspired him to begin writing his own stories. His first novel, “The Passing of Each Perfect Moment,” was published in 2015.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. I went to Seneca too … I also knew a kid named Kenny Preston 🙂 I was class of 91 , Sachem North. Any chance you’re one and the same?


  2. Lol wow, awesome! I’m doing pretty good – writing lots of software for a company called InfoEd Global. Obviously an avid sci-fi reader. 🙂 Very cool book. Still on the island?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It came up in the “SciFi > Metaphysical and Visionary” category in the Kindle Store. I guess you can say I like my fiction cerebral. 🙂 I find a lot of good stuff in that category, and I bought it before I even looked at the author. I live upstate, in Saratoga County now. I’m still in touch w/ a lot of folks back on LI, but haven’t been down in quite a while. I almost forgot to mention my other hobby is that I’m the 8bit/chip/synthwave artist RetroCompute (https://soundcloud.com/retrocompute). It’s a fun little side hobby for me, and some folks seem to enjoy the music I write. :).


  4. Hi there. I got one of your books off BookBub. As I usually do these days, I went straight to the back of the book to find details so that I can hassle you if I find any typos. With that many words you can’t catch them all. But that’s not why I am annoying you at the moment. I went to look up Kenneth Preston on Facebook but it showed “no results”. The strange thing is that when I press on the Facebook icon at the back of the book it goes to your Facebook page. I don’t understand.


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